🎉 2025 Reading Challenge 🎉

Our story

Posted by Tonisha Kimble on

The idea for this business came to me in the middle of the night one night, but all the elements of this journey have been forming themselves all throughout my life. All the ups and the downs and all the in between's. And here I am today, a black single mother from Mississippi starting a business. They say through struggle comes strength and here I am entering the world of entrepreneurialism. My main reason for starting this business is so that I will have something tangible to pass onto my son -- the smart, curious, young black man that he is. I want him to see that you can be proud of your identity, that you can be independent, that you don't have to assimilate and you can still be successful. My goals for this business extend beyond just making a comfortable living for family. That would be wonderful obviously. But my vision extends beyond cultivating just my son's mind. I would love for every child to be able to pick up a book, grab a toy, turn on the television and see someone who looks just like them, speaks just like them, comes from a background just like them. That’s my goal for the future – to help our children develop strong minds so they can withstand and overcome. In order to do that one must start with a strong foundation and therein lies that singular question “Who am I?”. Well I am a woman that is here to make the children's book and toy market a lot more colorful!

Wonders of the World is a book and toy store that sells several forms of children's media, all of which either are for or by people of color. WOW offers children's books, movies, DVDs, and toys. All of our merchandise has been either created by people of color and/or feature people of color as its subject matter. All of our merchandise is offered with the goal in mind to engage young minds and provide a solid foundation for growth. WOW is a place where young minds can become excited about learning and play because they see themselves being represented in products that they are actually using. ...actually experiencing.

The numbers of black owned independent bookstores have been shrinking over the years, however the numbers of independent bookstores as a whole have risen. Wonders of the World is part of that growing number, and we are very proudly black owned and woman owned. Our goal is to be a thriving book and toy store that offers high quality media that features young multicultural faces. WOW is a space where creators of this media can not only offer their products but at the same time display pride in their heritage and craft.


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