I had the pleasure of speaking with Mama Tortuga as part of her "Community Friends" platform. By connecting with people from various backgrounds, Mama Tortuga hopes to create a community and an environment in which we can support each other, for real! As part of our discussion, we talked about raising melanated children in today's society, PoC solidarity and the Tampa Bay Black Authors Expo. Check out my interview below...
Finding a passionate mama with a great platform and skills is always a pleasure. I am very impressed with all the energy and power that comes from our friends Tonisha and K from @WoWBookandToy.
We are so privileged to support their big event Tampa Bay Black Authors Expo April 20, 2019 at Clearwater FL. Here are the questions we ask them:
We are so privileged to support their big event Tampa Bay Black Authors Expo April 20, 2019 at Clearwater FL. Here are the questions we ask them:
- Where do you live? I'm originally from Ocean Springs, MS (which is about an hour east of New Orleans). I've been living in the Tampa area since 2014.
- How do you describe yourself and what you do? I'm a mother, a Black woman, a Virgo, and a creative. I live every day hoping to make my mother proud of me. In that purpose, I own an online multicultural children's book and toy store.
- How many languages do you speak? I speak only one language, English. But I did take 4 years of French during high school and I took Greek in college.
- In which ways are you willing to help community and families (locally and worldwide)? I am willing to help my melanated community and families see that we are more than just stereotypes, we are more than just slavery, we are so much more than oppression. We've all been effected by colonization and we all bear that generational pain. We see it playing out in our communities every day and I'm willing to help our people come together to find solutions. I am willing to help my melanated community and families by supporting and promoting our businesses.
Encontrar a una mama que con una gran plataforma y habilidades es siempre un gran placer. Estamos muy impresionados con toda la energía y poder que vienen desde nuestros amigos Tonisha y K de @WoWBookandToyStore
Somos privilegiados de apoyar su gran evento Tampa Bay Black Authors Expo en Abril 19, 2019 en Clearwater Fl. Aquí estan las preguntas que les hicimos:
- Donde viven? Soy original de Ocean Springs, MS (que es como a una hora este de Nuevo Orlearns). He vivido en el area de Tampa desde 2014.
- Como te describes y lo que haces? Soy una madre, una mujer negra, Virgo y creativa. Vivo todos los días para hacer sentir a mi madre orgullosa de mi.Haciendo esto, soy la dueña de una tienda en la internet de libros y juguetes multiculturales.
- Cuántos idiomas hablas? Solo hablo uno, Inglés. Pero estudié 4 años Francés durante el bachillerato y tomé Griego en la universidad.
- En que maneras deseas ayudar a la comunicad y las familias (localmente y atraves del mundo)? Estoy dispuesta a ayudar a mi comunidad melanizada y a las familias para que ya se vean solamente los estereotipos, somos mas que la esclavitud, y mucho mas que opresión. Hemos sido afectados por la colonización y todos llevamos algún dolor generacional. Lo vemos todos los días en nuestras comunidades y estoy dispuesta a ayudar nuestras comunidades para juntarnos y hallar soluciones. Estoy dispuesta para ayudar a todas la comunidades de color y sus familias para promover sus negocios.